0086 13568868225  info@cyyhkj.asia

Sewage pipe series

Steel belt reinforced spiral corrugated pipe

  • Product ID:Sewage pipe series
  • QQ:
  • Phone: 0086 13568868225
  • Tel: 0086 13568868225
  • Email: info@cyyhkj.asia
  • Time: 2024-09-15 14:33:47

Steel belt reinforced PE spiral corrugated pipe; refers to a double-wall spiral corrugated pipe with high-density polyethylene (PE) as the matrix, with steel belt coated with adhesive resin on the surface formed into a waveform as the main supporting structure, and wrapped with polyethylene material to form a whole. It is called steel belt reinforced PE spiral corrugated pipe.


1) It is suitable for medium long-term temperature not more than 45℃.

2) The buried plastic drainage pipe should be designed according to the theory of flexible pipe (pipe and soil work together). At the same time, the change in the vertical direction of the pipe under the design state shall not exceed 5% of the pipe diameter.

3) The selection of pipe ring stiffness is an important indicator of plastic pipe design. Therefore, it should be determined by comprehensive consideration of pipe burial depth, ground load, properties and compaction coefficient of trench backfill soil, and construction load. Blindly adopting high ring stiffness is not economical. For pipes with a burial depth of less than 1.0m under the roadway, the impact of pipe deformation on the road surface should also be considered.

4) Appearance

The inner surface of the pipe should be flat and the external waveform should be regular; the inner and outer walls of the pipe should be free of bubbles and visible impurities, and the weld should not be detached. The cross section of the pipe should be trimmed after cutting without burrs. The cuts of the steel strips at both ends of the pipe should be on the same longitudinal line of the pipe.

5) Anti-corrosion layer thickness The adhesive resin and the outer polyethylene are the anti-corrosion layers of the steel strips, which should comply with the relevant provisions of the CJ/T 225-2006 standard.

6) Materials

The raw materials used to produce pipes should be mainly polyethylene (PE) resin, to which only additives necessary to improve performance can be added. CJ/T 225-2006 can add at least 35% of "Sante" brand HDPE pipe special materials when producing pipes.

7) Connection methods

The pipes can be connected by hot melt extrusion welding, heat shrink tube (strip), clamp (half sleeve) and electric fusion tape. If necessary, the two connection methods can be combined.


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Phone: 0086 13568868225

WhatsApp: 0086 13568868225

Email: info@cyyhkj.asia

Add: Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China